Hi !,
i wanted to bring to your attention a matter related to Decentraland's .eth handles. Currently, while Decentraland supports .eth handles, emojis are unfortunately not displayed. This omission stands in contrast to platforms like Opensea and Etherscan, where emojis have been successfully integrated into their ENS names, offering users a more enjoyable and expressive experience.
Considering this, I would like to inquire whether it is feasible for Decentraland to undertake the challenge of allowing emojis in ENS names as well. Doing so would undoubtedly enrich our virtual presence, infusing it with more vibrancy and personalization.
Acknowledging that implementing such features may entail complexity, I firmly believe that the benefits it would bring to all users make it a worthwhile endeavor. Enhancing our digital interactions through emoji integration would contribute to an overall improved user experience.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
I look forward to your thoughts on this matter 🫂