This DAO proposal has passed on all 3 stages including the final 3rd stage Governance by majority of the community votes yet there has not been any development at all & HPrivakos is telling people in the Discord that this proposal can not be enacted?
See official DAO link below;
Can somebody please explain why it can't be implemented? because according to DAO guidelines a Governance proposal is accepted if it meets the acceptance threshold of 6M VP and the Yes option gets a simple majority.
Are we changing the rules as we go? How is DAO or Decentraland, community driven and or created by the community when a simple passed DAO proposal doesn't get implemented or enacted?
Those who are part of the Foundation team & DAO team can hate me all they want but all I ever wanted was the best for Decentraland.
I wasn't asking for funding in this proposal so I could do a runner like most who received large sums of grants but didn't end up building anything nor contributing to the platform at all by any means.
BAYC are coming up with their cross naming system for .ape all others are building revolutionary naming systems trying to capitalise within this sector trying merge Web2 with Web3 and having utility & use-cases that's never been seen before. I believed DCL Names have a great opportunity because of where they stand & this implementation would have brought in much needed Web2 users into Decentraland.
A platform with less than 50 active users a day shouldn't be afraid of changes, in fact they should be the leading pioneers in every aspect. Being afraid holds us back while giving opportunities to our competitors to excel, where we fail.